From Holy Week 2020 the following online services were released.
To watch a service please click on the image below or the corresponding text.
Service by Arthur
Virtual Open Gardens 2020
Service: Christmas 2020
Service: Advent Sunday
Service: Christ the King
Service: 2nd before Advent
Act of Remembrance 2020
Service: 7th Sunday of Trinity
Service: 6th Sunday of Trinity
Service: 5th Sunday of Trinity
Service: 4th Sunday of Trinity
Service: 3rd Sunday of Trinity
Service: 2nd Sunday of Trinity
Service: 1st Sunday of Trinity
Service: Trinity Sunday
Service: Pentecost
Service: 7th Sunday Easter
Service: 6th Sunday Easter
Service: 5th Sunday Easter
Service: 4th Sunday Easter
Service: 3rd Sunday Easter
Service: 2nd Sunday Easter
Easter Day Service
Holy Communion BCP
Click here for Saddleback Kids video "Joseph and His Coat"
Click here for Saddleback Kids video "Joseph in Egypt"
Click here for Saddleback Kids video "Don't Worry"
Friday 14th February
6.30pm, Evening Prayer, Wilcote
Sunday 16th February
10.30am, Holy Communion, CW, Finstock
4.00pm, Leafield Light,
Tuesday 18th February
8.00am, Morning Prayer, Ramsden
Friday 21st February
Sunday 23rd February